Willie Sams, 21

Miami, Florida
February 05, 2014

Agencies: Miami-Dade Police Department Florida | Florida Department of Law Enforcement FDLE

Cause of death: Taser

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Last updated: about 6 years ago


Willie Sams was visiting family members when he got into a confrontation with Miami-Dade police. Police tasered Willie and he died soon thereafter.

Tasers have been controversial since South Florida officers started using them a decade ago. They’re meant for police to subdue, not kill, violent or threatening subjects. The zap comes from electronic prongs that enter the skin after being ejected on a wire from the gunlike device at less than 20 feet.

But in the decade since Tasers have been used, the device has not officially been blamed for any deaths.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article1960861.html#storylink=cpy