Vanessa Marquez, 49

South Pasadena, California
August 30, 2018

Agencies: South Pasadena Police Department California

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 4 years ago


Vanessa Marquez, an actress best known for her role as a nurse on “ER,” was shot and killed by South Pasadena police on Thursday, authorities confirmed on Friday.

Officers were called to Marquez’s home in the 1100 block of Fremont Avenue by a landlord to check on her welfare. When the officers arrived around 12 p.m., she was suffering from seizures and appeared unable to take care of herself. Officers called out paramedics and a mental health clinician, and continued to talk with her. After about 90 minutes, Marquez, 49, armed herself with a BB gun and pointed it at the officers, causing them to open fire, said Sheriff’s Lt. Joe Mendoza.

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