Melyda Corado, 27

Los Angeles, California
July 21, 2018

Agencies: LAPD Force Investigation Division California | Los Angeles Police Department California LAPD | Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department California LASD

Cause of death: Not Yet Known

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Last updated: almost 5 years ago


27-year-old Trader Joes employee Melyda Corado had run to the front of the store with others at the time of the crash and was near the suspect when she was shot by an officer's bullet.

A standoff ensued when a gunman took dozens of hostages Saturday at a Trader Joe's in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles. The suspect, Gene Atkins, shot at officers as he ran into the store, police said. When officers returned fire, a bullet hit Corado, 27, as she stood at the store's entrance. She ran back into the store and collapsed behind the manager's desk, according to Moore. 

The officers fired eight rounds in returning Atkins' gunshots, Moore said.

The fatal bullet first hit Corado's arm, then entered her body.

Legal Action

In October 2018, the father and brother of Corado have filed claims for damages with the city. The claims, which allege excessive force, wrongful death and other violations, are a necessary step before suing in the courts.

As of November 2018, the family had yet to receive either the police or autopsy report.

In June 2019, the Los Angeles Police Commission ruled that the police officer who shot Corado did not violate department policy.  That same month, a judge also ordered the county of Los Angeles to provide the family with a copy of the autospy report as well as the surveillance video LAPD claimed as evidence.

Community and Family Efforts


Family funeral fund

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