Luis Demetrio Gongora Pat, 45

San Francisco, California
April 07, 2016

Agencies: San Francisco Police Department California

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 6 years ago


Police said Gongora, who was homeless, was waving a large kitchen knife and 'charged' officers before he was shot. Officers initially tried to use beanbag rounds to subdue him, authorities said. Witnesses have challenged the police account, saying Gongora didn't charge at or challenge the officers.

A shooting by police officers of a homeless man camping on Shotwell Street near 18th Street occurred in the Mission Thursday, April 7. On Friday, the Medical Examiner identified the victim as 45-year-old Luis Gongora, a San Francisco resident. While we do not have complete information, reports from eyewitnesses raise several red flags:

  1. The victim was non-English speaking and likely did not understand police commands.
  2. The man was camping in a tent on Shotwell and likely has been the victim of the numerous “sweeps” that have taken place in the general area. Division Street was the most well known, but sweeps and citing of homeless people surrounding Division have taken place regularly since.
  3. The man may have been in possession of a knife, but eyewitnesses have contradicted this statement.
  4. Eyewitnesses report he was lying down and not resisting when shot.

This shooting happened less than 24 hours after a late-night Police Commission meeting at which members of the Police Officers Association (POA) fought against changes to the Department General Order (DGO) concerning use of force.

According to an autopsy report released Thursday, September 29, 2016, Gongora was shot six times, including once in the head and once in the back, and had amphetamine, methamphetamines and THC in his system at the time of his death.

Legal Action

April 2016 Law firm says camera never has view of Luis in video seen so far.

May 2016 Police chief orders 3foot batons be used against homeless

May 25, 2016 Justice Summit - Police use of Force

In June 2016, relatives of Gongora filed a wrongful-death claim against the city of San Francisco. The claim centers on the speed with which the officers resorted to deadly force. Video footage shows less than 30 seconds elapsed between the time officers left their squad cars and when they fired seven bullets at Góngora.

October 2016 "We filed a federal civil rights lawsuit today, in order to bring the family the justice that it deserves. Six months ago, Gongora was shot and killed by San Francisco police," explained Adante Pointer, the Gongora family civil attorney.

April 2017 One year on protest

Community and Family Efforts

April 2016 Protest and church vigil

May 2016 Hungerstrikers want to meet Mayor



Hunger for justice Facebook

June 2016

San Francisco’s police oversight body will investigate all police shootings under a ballot measure passed by voters Tuesday.

Proposition D, which needed majority approval to pass and received 80 percent in support as of press time, ensures all police shooting incidents will be investigated by the Office of Citizen Complaints.

June 2016 Activist outrage gets killer removed from reform position


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