• about 4 years ago Anita Wills

    Kerry Junior or Little Kerry's case is still a cold case in Oakland. We are now asking that the Attorney General of California Xavier Beccera take over the investigation.

Kerry Baxter Jr, 19

Oakland, California
January 16, 2011

Agencies: Oakland Police Department California

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 4 years ago

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Kerry Baxter Junior was 19 years old and unarmed when he was murdered on January 16, 2011. We want to know who killed him and why. Prior to being killed and even on Facebook Kerry stated that the Oakland Police harassed him every-time he walked outside of his door. They took his Photo ID after stopping and strip searching him. On January 16, 2011 he was lured down to San Antonio Park in East Oakland beaten (according to his girlfriend) and chased around the corner. As he ran from his assailants they continued firing bullets and hit him in his back. He fell on the ground and the assialants disappeared. He was left on the ground and when the Pastor of Saint Anthony and two other Pastors wanted to give him last rites the police refused. They would not let anyone near him as he lay dying. He bled out on a cold sidewalk and his body lay their for over 4 hours.

As the family called and asked the police questions about the death they were put off by OPD. When his grandmother called she was hung up on or told by the investigating officer they did not have to give her any information. There were two witnesses to his murder and those in the neighborhood saw Kerry being chased but OPD says he was killed by a drive by shooter. We are the Police lying and what do they have to Hide. The Police told Kerry Juniors mother that the grandmother Anita Wills was impeding their investigation which caused a rift between the mother and grandmother. 

Petition on Behalf of Kerry Baxter Junior

The Oakland Police Department began their harrassment of Kerry Jr., in 2001 when they tore up the families apartment in Berkely. They were looking for Kerry Senior who was suspected in a homicide. They then went to Kerry Jrs., school pulled him out and set him in their patrol car. When his mother came to get him the Police pulled a gun on her handcuffed her and took her away. They interrogated 10 year old Kerry jr., as he sat in their patrol car. They were on a vendetta against the family because of Kerry Seniors Wrongful Conviction. In subsequent appeals the arresting officer was called out for lying in court to have Kerry Senior convicted. same Homicide Detective who lied in the Conviction of Kerry Juniors father, Kerry Senior, was put in charge of Kerry Juniors homicide investigation.

Shortly after Kerry Juniors murder his grandmother filed a complaint against the Officers with the Police Review Board. Two investigations were open one on Kerry Juniors Murder and the other on Kerry Seniors Wrongful Conviction. After the investigation the Review Board told the grandmother that they were closing the case and could do nothing because of the Peace officers Bill of Rights. They refused to give the grandmother anything in writing about their findings. 

We want a full investigation of these officers the DA and the coverup of the murder of Kerry Baxter Junior. 

Now that Kerry Baxter Junior has been killed, Lt. Brian Medeiros is in charge of the investigation. The family has asked the Police Review Board in Oakland, to remove him from the investigation of Kerry Baxter Juniors Murder. Medieros had a history with Kerry, which began in April of 2001, when he took him out of his elementary school, and questioned him in a Police Patrol car, without a parent present. The OPD went into their Berkeley Apartment and destroyed it, and even cut the mattresses of Kerry Junior and his brother Kmani. The Oakland Police Department has ignored clues in the killing of Kerry Baxter Junior, by not questioning his friends, or people who knew him and his habits. His best friend saw him the night he was killed, and shared information about his demeanor. Yet, the Oakland Police have not interviewed his friend. They have not posted a reward and do not return calls from family members.


Community and Family Efforts

Filed Complaint with the Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) in Oakland and case was closed with no resolution. Have continued to meet with Police and am getting the runaround. We are circulating a petition to be sent to Attorney General Becerra requesting that his office take over the investigation into Kerry Junior's Murder. 

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