Kendra Diggs, 37

Baltimore, Maryland
May 08, 2013

Agencies: Baltimore Police Department Maryland

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 4 years ago


Kendra Diggs was shot and killed by James Walton Smith, her fiance and a Baltimore Police Officer. 

Court documents reveal the responding officers kicked in the front door after they heard a woman yell “Help me, help me.” 

Inside, Kendra Diggs was already bleeding from a small wound to her face.

According to court documents, one of the responding officers walked Diggs a few feet away to the front of the home to talk to her about what happened. They say that’s when Smith fired at her from the second floor window.

Shattered glass remains in that window where the shots were fired. Diggs collapsed to the ground with a bullet in her head. The responding officers ran for cover and called for help. Soon, SWAT teams converged on the area and evacuated neighbors as Smith locked himself inside the house, along with his four-year-old son.

It was hours before negotiators secured the four-year-old’s release and later secured Smith’s surrender.

“We just gave it time. We gave it time. We had our psychologist speaking with him and trying to calm him down and trying to calm down the scene,” said Police Commissioner Anthony Batts.

After Smith’s arrest, he apparently spoke to investigators and apologized for his actions.

Legal Action

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