Kawaski Trawick, 32

New York, New York
April 14, 2019

Agencies: New York Police Department NYPD

Cause of death: Shooting

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32-year-old Black man Kawaski Trawick was shot dead by a white NYPD officer in his own apartment, the killing caught on body camera and surveillance video.

The two officers who arrived at Trawick’s door that night had both received the latest iteration of the department’s training in how to handle such situations.

But instead of trying to ease the confrontation, the officers escalated it. They ordered Trawick to drop the knife. They ignored his repeated questions about why they were there. And then one of the officers took it further. First he used his Taser on Trawick, despite his more-experienced partner telling him not to. When Trawick became enraged, the younger officer, who is white, fired his gun, despite his partner, who is Black, again trying to stop him.