Kajieme Powell, 25

St. Louis, Missouri
August 19, 2014

Agencies: St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department SLMPD | City of St Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office CAO Missouri

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: almost 6 years ago


A convenience store owner called 911 on Tuesday when he suspected Powell stole drinks and donuts from his shop, according to a recording of the call. Another woman called to report Powell was acting erratically and had a knife in his pocket. Two officers in a police SUV responded to the calls, the cell phone video shows. When the officers got out of their vehicle, Powell walked in their direction, yelling and telling them to shoot him already. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said Tuesday that both of the officers opened fire on Powell when he came within a three or four feet of them holding a knife "in an overhand grip." But the newly released cell phone footage undermines the statement, showing Powell approaching the cops, but not coming as close as was reported, with his hands at his side. The officers began shooting within 15 seconds of their arrival, hitting Powell with a barrage of bullets.

Legal Action

On Tuesday, November 3, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer M. Joyce announced that there would be no criminal charges filed against the two St. Louis police officers who shot and killed Kajieme Powell.