Jorge Ceniceros, 22

Phoenix, Arizona
August 19, 2016

Agencies: Phoenix Police Department Arizona

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 6 years ago


Phoenix police shot and killed Jorge Ceniceros after an altercation near 20th Street and Thomas Road.

According to Sgt. Vince Lewis, an officer was investigating a suspicious car in a parking lot near a park early Friday morning when a man came out of the bushes and approached him. 

They got into a physical fight during which the suspect, who has not been identified, punched the officer in the face and head, breaking his nose.

The injured officer was able to radio for assistance. He then drew his gun in an effort to keep the suspect back until help could arrive.

"The suspect continued to assault the officer and grabbed the officer's weapon with both hands trying to take it from him," according to Lewis.

A plain-clothes detective who was nearby arrived to help and tried to step in as the officer and suspect struggled over the weapon.

"Both the detective and officer fired their weapons striking the suspect and stopping the threat," Lewis said.

The suspect tried to run a short distance before collapsing to the ground. He was pronounced dead at the scene.