Joel Acevedo, 25

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
April 19, 2020

Agencies: Milwaukee Police Department Wisconsin | Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission

Cause of death: Beating

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Last updated: about 4 years ago

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On April 19, 2020, off-duty Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) Officer Michael Mattioli was arrested for beating Joel Acevedo into an unresponsive state at a party at his house.  During the fight, Mattioli put Acevedo into a fatal "chokehold."  Acevedo passed away on April 25 from the injuries he sustained.

Mattioli was placed on administrate duties and formally suspended with pay by the MPD after his arrest on carges of first-degree reckless injury and strangulation.  He was released on April 23, 2020 after posting bail.  Mattioli was later charged with first-degree reckless homicide.

In May 2020, the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission took over the internal investigation.

Legal Action

Mattioli's court date is set for June 10.

On July 10, the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission filed disciplinary charges with a referral for a trial, saying Mattioli violated Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedures as they relate to personnel investigations.

Community and Family Efforts

The family of Joel Acevedo held a protest at Mattioli's home on May 29, 2020.

The family, Current Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and other community leaders have called for Mattioli to be fired.  As the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission is in charge of the internal investigation, they, and not the MPD, have the authority to discipline Mattioli, including firing him.

As a whole, Milwaukee residents are concerned that, given the past efforts of MPD and the state Department of Justice for internal investigations, Mattioli will be found not guilty.