James Bishop, 29

Las Cruces, New Mexico
August 05, 2018

Agencies: Las Cruces Police Department New Mexico | New Mexico State Police DPS

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: almost 6 years ago


On Sunday night, a friend spoke out on behalf of the family who lost their 29-year-old son after he was shot by police on Friday night in Las Cruces.

The Bishop family continues to grieve for their son, James Bishop, who was shot and killed by police inside their family home on Arlington Avenue.

The family says the shooting was a tragedy on both sides.

On Friday; night, police responded to a disturbance call just after 10:30 p.m.

That call was made by the parents of 29-year-old James Bishop.

A friend of the family, Dr. Gavin Clarkson, said Bishop was a good person but suffered from mental health problems and was having a mental episode.

Clarkson said the only other time Bishop had a mental episode and police were involved, they responded by taking him to get medical help.

He said that the episode Bishop had on Friday night ended in an unspeakable loss that’s left the family heartbroken.

According to police reports, one officer was injured by Bishop which led to a second officer firing a round at him. The officer was treated at a hospital and released, police said.

James Bishop died on the scene inside his home, and now the Bishop family is questioning whether there was an equipment failure with the officer's stun gun.

They are also hoping the investigation will addresses whether police are adequately trained to deal with people who have mental health problems.

“The family had hoped that the police would help them get James under control and transported to the hospital to get the help that he needed, tragically, however, James was shot and killed,” Clarkson said.

The family is asking for community prayers during this time, and said they are also praying for the officer involved.

Police say that officer has been placed on administrative leave, a normal procedure during an officer-involved shooting.

Investigators are still conducting interviews and going through evidence in this case. The Las Cruces Police Department is expected to hold a news conference regarding the shooting later this week.

Legal Action

In a letter dated Oct. 17, 2018, District Attorney Mark D’Antonio said, “After an extensive review of this case we have concluded that the shooting by Officer Jason Hayes was justified under New Mexico law. This office will not be taking any action against this officer.”