Gabriel Angulo Rivera, 42

Olmito, Texas
March 26, 2019

Agencies: Cameron County Sheriff's Department Texas | Texas Attorney General's Office | Texas Civil Rights Project | Texas Commission on Jail Standards | Texas Department of Criminal Justice | Texas Department of Public Safety

Cause of death: Beating

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Last updated: almost 5 years ago


Rather than firmly stating that there will be a serious investigation and accountability, Sheriff's Lucio says he doesn't know what happened. Even more shameful is that previously, when he announced Gabriel's death, the sheriff he was quick to point out Gabriel's prior arrest. Citizens need to look at the kind of jail the Sheriff is running—where officers feel like they can beat a shackled person so badly they stop breathing and then wait before they call for medical help. Texas Rangers are investigating.

Legal Action

July 2019 Family files law suit, details of complaint in the link