Frank Nathaniel Clark, 33

Durham, North Carolina
November 22, 2016

Agencies: State Bureau of Investigations SBI North Carolina | Durham Police Department North Carolina | Attorney General’s Office North Carolina

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: almost 6 years ago


Demonstrators from the McDougald Terrace area marched to Durham Police heaquarters Wednesday afternoon and early evening to protest the shooting of a man by police officers.

The protesters gathered in front of the police building on Chapel Hill Street and blocked traffic.

Police told ABC11 no request to protest was made by the group, and officers assisted in blocking the street for the demonstrators.

On Tuesday afternoon, a man killed by police when he was stopped near Wabash and Dayton streets in the McDougald Terrace area.

Police said three uniformed officers were patrolling the area because of a recent increase in crime. They saw 34-year-old Frank Nathaniel Clark on foot and stopped to talk to him around 12:30 p.m.