Cameron Darnell Lamb (CD), 26

Kansas City, Missouri
March 12, 2019

Agencies: Kansas City Police Department - Missouri

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: over 1 year ago


On December 3, 2019 Cameron Lamb drove home by himself after having an argument with his girlfriend.  The police narrative was of him driving recklessly in residential areas, which had happened prior to his execution, but was not taking place in the garage in his home when they killed him.

Officers approached the home in plainclothes (for a traffic violation) with weapons already drawn when approaching the homeowner in the front of the home, they asked for the driver of the red truck's location but did not ask permission to enter and did not have a search warrant.  Moments later Cameron, who was right-handed, was deceased still in his vehicle.

The normal narrative of he had a gun was used, but the officer closest to him was not the one who shot him, and after denying an ambulance on the scene for at least 45 minutes they pronounced him dead with a gun outside of the driver's window on the LEFT side.  Once the Grand Jury convened it was further learned that CD's left hand had too much muscle damage to hold a gun in his left hand and a piece of his index finger was missing.  Additionally, the other officer on the scene states CD did not have a gun in his hand.

Legal Action

IN November 2021, Detective Eric DeValkenaere was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the case.