Briana Amaryllis Ojeda, 11

Brooklyn, New York
August 27, 2010

Agencies: New York Police Department NYPD

Cause of death: Not Yet Known

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Last updated: about 4 years ago


Briana Ojeda was suffering an asthma attack on Aug. 27, 2010, as her panicked mother drove the wrong way down Henry St. in Cobble Hill. She was headed toward Long Island University in a desperate attempt to get help for her daughter. Officer Alfonso Mendez pulled her over just three blocks away and refused her request to call an ambulance, the mom said. The cop, instead, began writing her a summons. As little Briana’s condition worsened, the officer ignored the mother’s begging for help. “Mendez refused, stating that he ‘didn’t do CPR,’ The girl later died at the hospital.

Legal Action

August 2010 Officer takes five days to come forward

November 2010 Lawsuit filed

August 2012 Family wants 'Coward Cop' fired

August 2012

Briana's family has since filed a civil suit against the city, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Officer Mendez, claiming the officer's actions violated their constitutional rights and contributed to their daughter's death.

A lawyer for the city said Friday in court that while he sympathizes with the family's loss, the claims in the lawsuit are unjustified. The city asked that the judge throw out the suit, saying it was not an officer's duty to administer CPR.


2014 Briana's Law passed state legislaturein New York

Community and Family Efforts



June 2013

A bill named for the Brooklyn, N.Y., girl who died of an asthma attack after a cop refused to help her frantic mom has passed the state Assembly — giving her family renewed hope it will become law.

“Briana’s Law” would require cops to get CPR retraining every two years.

Saturday 27 August 2016 and Sunday 28 August 2016 Event

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