Bradley Rundle, 61

Englewood, Florida
June 24, 2019

Agencies: Charlotte County Sheriff's Office Florida | Florida Department of Law Enforcement FDLE

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: almost 5 years ago


On Monday evening, June 24, 2019, deputies surrounded the home after a 911 call about an intoxicated man shooting off a gun in his McKinley Terrace home in Englewood. By the time the shooting stopped, 61-year-old Bradley Rundle was dead, shot by a deputy, in front of his home.

Joy Hall, who lives four houses down, said she made the 911 call. She said a man pounded on her door screaming that he was being shot at.

Hall’s husband Bob, a local business owner, went out to speak to the stranger named Tyler, while Joy called 911 and told operators that someone was firing shots on her block, she said. The dispatcher asked to speak to Tyler. He told the 911 operator he was positive his relative had a gun.

Deputies began to arrive. They used a PA and told Rundle to stand down, reports show. A sergeant with crisis intervention training tried to talk him into putting the weapon down. But when Rundle came outside his home with a firearm an hour later, he pointed it at deputies, the reports show. Two deputies fired and Rundle was dead.

What happened?

At Hall’s house, Rundle’s relative told the dispatcher Rundle was intoxicated and had a gun. He said Rundle fired multiple rounds in the home. Other family members and children were inside and fled.

“Tyler said he got his five children together and took off from the house,” Hall said Tuesday. “He drove a few houses down to mine and asked for help. He has military training, which I could tell. He was able to give good information to the 911 dispatcher.

“I would say within three minutes the deputies were on my block,” she said. “It was very, very fast. They closed off the road and told all of us to get back into our homes. I understood why. There was an active shooter. We didn’t know where he was or what he would do.”

Meanwhile, deputies surrounded the large, two-story home and watched an armed Rundle go in and out of the house several times, according to reports from the CCSO.

“Rundle disregarded PA announcements made by deputies to drop his weapon and cooperate,” said Katie Heck, CCSO spokesperson in a statement.

It was 10 p.m. when the sergeant reached Rundle on the phone, he was not cooperative.

“During the call, Rundle advised he was not going to come out and made comments such as ‘let’s get it on’ and that he did not intend to leave his residence peacefully,” Heck wrote. “At approximately 10:06 p.m. Rundle exited his residence with a firearm and began walking towards the deputies on scene. He was given several orders to drop his weapon and did not comply with any directions.

“Rundle raised his gun toward the direction of deputies and fired one round, at which time two deputies on scene with long guns returned fire,” Heck wrote, adding no deputies were injured but Rundle was fatally injured.