Atatiana Jefferson, 28

Fort Worth, Texas
October 12, 2019

Agencies: Fort Worth Police Department Texas

Cause of death: Shooting

Follow This Case

Last updated: almost 5 years ago


Neighbor James Smith called the non-emergency line early on the morning of October 12, 2019, and requested someone check on his neighbors.

Two officers responded to the call and began searching outside the home.  Bodycam footage shows one of the officers in the yard turning towards the window and shouting "Put your hands up! Show me your hands!" before shooting into the window.  Jefferson died at the scene.  The entire incident occurred in less than 3 seconds.

In a statement later that day, the Fort Worth Police Department said that the officer perceived a threat and fired, and that a firearm was found in the bedroom.  However, there is no evidence as to whether Jefferson was holding the weapon when she was shot.

Fort Worth police are collecting evidence to present to the Tarrant County district attorney’s office, which will decide whether any charges will be filed.

Legal Action

On October 14, 2019, former officer Aaron Y. Dean was charged with murder for the killing of Ms. Jefferson.

October 2019 Officer was not sent to do welfare check despite the neighbours request

October 2019 Officer refuses to speak to detectives about the murder

Community and Family Efforts



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