
Any time any information about a case is updated, a new version is created. This page tracks the changes made to the case over time including summaries to explain those changes where possible. As of now, the changes to the following attributes are tracked: address fields, content sections for overview, community action and litigation as well as the case's title, date, photo and video links.

Properties not currently being tracked in case history include changes to subjects and comments. In the future we will capture those changes as well. In the meantime, editors should note that changes to link associations will create a new version of the case.

  • Date: 26.08.2020 11:18:56 UTC
    Edited by: EBWiki Team
    Description of changes:
    Adding case
  • Date: 26.08.2020 15:01:42 UTC
    Edited by: Stephen Berry
    Description of changes:
  • Date: 18.12.2020 03:18:57 UTC
    Added by: EBWiki Team
    Description of changes: