A C Hall, 17

Macon, Georgia
October 11, 1962

Agencies: Bibb County Sheriff's office Georgia

Cause of death: Shooting

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Last updated: about 6 years ago


A.C. Hall was shot and killed on October 11, 1962, in Macon, Georgia, after being identified by a Caucasian woman as the man who stole a pistol from her car. The woman observed a person breaking into her car and the police responded. The officers drove her and her husband through the neighborhood to find the perpetrator. The couple identified Hall as the person who may be responsible and after a foot chase he was shot and killed by the officers.

On that October night in 1962, Hall was walking home from the Middle Georgia Veterans Club with a young woman by the name of Eloise Franklin. 

Earlier that evening, the police had received a complaint by a couple, Harry and Doris Hopper, that a black man had broken into their car and taken a pistol. 

Police came to check out the call and brought the Hoppers along. They ended up running into Hall and Franklin. Doris pointed to Hall stating, "That’s the man!"

Hall and Franklin began to run. The officers shouted for Hall to stop, but he kept going. Eventually, the officers followed Hall and shot him through the back.

Legal Action

An all-white coroner’s inquest jury was called for the Hall case. They found the police officers guilty of murder, which was unheard of in the south at the time. But the inquest could not issue criminal charges on the officers. Those decisions were left up to the grand jury, who found the officers were not guilty.